The Soul of Men Training
The Soul of Men
Begins 14 December 2024 in London
The Soul of Men training is a tantra program to help men connect more deeply with their natural masculinity and sexuality.
The training meets live in London for five weekends each year, with online sessions between each training weekend.
For men who live outside London, this weekend schedule makes the training more accessible men who live abroad.
Our Mission:
Modern men are bombarded by numerous confusing and often highly contradictory messages about what it means to be a man, leaving many of us feeling disconnected from society, from a sense of purpose, and from our true authentic sexual potency.
In the Soul of Men training, we teach you specific tantric practices to help you connect with your own inner nature as a man, and embrace your masculinity and sexuality in a way that feels vital, powerful and alive.
"Soul of Men opens the heart, mind and body.
The course challenged me in ways like nothing I have experienced before.
It opened, softened and strengthened the core of my being and
supported me in ways I have never experienced from other men.
I feel truly blessed to have found this course."
Empowering Men through Tantra Education
At The Soul of Men, we teach tantric philosophies and practices to help each man connect to the power and integrity of his own innate masculinity.
We provide a safe and friendly workshop space to discover this tantric power, in a community of supportive, like minded men.
Then, we teach you how to bring this sense of presence and confidence to your connections with women.
Our teachings focus not just on the physical aspects of tantra, but on the emotional, spiritual, and mental benefits as well.
The women in your life will thank you for doing this program (this often happens for our participants!)
"My life has changed in so many ways.
And I am extremely grateful for everything this course has provided me with.
Sexuality - I was always looking to gain sexual satisfaction
externally, waiting to receive it from women.
Tantra has enabled me to see that power is only within.
I feel more in my masculine energy
and that polarity has helped my relationships immensely"
The training draws upon a variety of resources:
Body Psychotherapy
Learn bioenergetic techniques to unlock your energy and masculine power.
Tantric Practices
Practice ancient tantric exercises to expand your sexual power and pleasure.
Jungian Psychology
Discover how deep, inner archetypes can inform your masculine embodiment.
Yoga and Meditation
Create a body and mind that are resilient and aligned with your inner spirit.
Masculine Community
Find support and camaraderie in the
company of conscious, good-hearted men.
"Soul of Men has done more to positively change my life than
any other course or programme
I have ever been on.
I can honestly say that it is
I simply feel more alive, more energized, more sexual, more authentic, more attractive,
more confident."
This training is primarily experiential
Connect to your own true masculine essence & embody this deeply
Learn physical exercises to cultivate & sustain your sexual potency
Develop natural confidence with women
Naturally, increase physical vitality and testosterone
Create sexual alchemy in relationships with women
Learn how psychological archetypes can inform your masculinity
Develop a strong sense of self-esteem and purpose
Expand your experience of sexual power and satisfaction
Connect and develop friendships with a community of vital, open hearted men
"By understanding polarity and boundaries, along with
embracing my sexual energy, it has saved my marriage.
I have begun to fill the space I occupy through
the growth in my self esteem and connection to self.
And I love being in brotherhood with strong committed men."
Each Year There Are:
5 training weekends
in person
2 Online Zoom sessions between each weekend
4 Urban Adventures
As part of the training
For men who complete this 9-month program, we offer an advanced second year of training.
What are the Soul of Men "Urban Adventures?"
Four times each year, as part of the training weekends, we embark on
a fun activity such as a martial arts class, followed by a pub dinner.
It is a chance to socialize and make long-lasting connections with
the other men, outside of the regular workshop space.
Jiu-Jitsu Demonstration. 2018
"I loved the Urban Adventures and how they gave
us a direct experience of the
masculine archetype we were working on."
The Importance of Masculine Community
A man's life thrives within a masculine community. It's where we find crucial support, camaraderie, and pure enjoyment that can't be replicated elsewhere.
These bonds define our masculine identity, serving as the lifeblood of our existence. They provide a space to share our victories and challenges, offering unwavering support and celebrations.
In The Soul of Men, we emphasize nurturing these relationships through curated events like Urban Adventures, uniting men, sparking laughter, challenges, and forging unbreakable bonds.
"I especially liked the sense of brotherhood and building of community -
the physicality and energy shared with others."
The Four Masculine Archetypes
At The Soul of Men, we help men deepen their understanding of themselves through a unique blend of Tantric practices and Jungian psychology.
We believe that every man embodies four distinct archetypes - the King, the Warrior, the Magician, and the Lover - and we use experiential work and exploration to help our participsnz tap into these energies.
Four training weekends focus on each of these archetypes and the year culminates with the Wildman Retreat in the summer..
1 Induction Day, 5 Weekends
+ 9 Online Sessions
Induction Day
Saturday 14 December 2024
9:30 to 22:00
Intro. Workshop & Dinner
Note: For men who live abroad,
there is an option to do the Induction Day online
King Archetype Weekend
Friday eve; all day on Saturday & Sunday
24 - 26 Jan. 2025
Plus, 2 Online Evening Sessions
In the weeks after the training weekend
Warrior Archetype Weekend
Friday eve; all day on Saturday & Sunday
14 - 16 March 2025
Plus, 2 Online Evening Sessions
In the weeks after the training weekend
Mystic Archetype Weekend
Friday eve; all day on Saturday & Sunday
2 -4 May 2025
Plus, 2 Online Evening Sessions
In the weeks after the training weekend
Lover Archetype Weekend
Friday eve; all day on Saturday & Sunday
20 - 22 June 2025
Plus, 2 Online Evening Sessions
In the weeks after the training weekend
Wildman Weekend
At a Wooded Retreat Site in Surrey
Thursday 14 August to Sunday 17 August 2025
Tuition for the training can made as one payment
or a deposit and 10 monthly installments
SOUL OF MEN TUITION: One payment: £1525.
PAYMENT PLAN: Deposit of £275 and 10 monthly payments of £140 (£1675 total)
Note: TuItIon Includes all InstructIon and actIvItIes. A separate lodgIng fee Is paId In advance of
the resIdentIal retreat In August 2025.
For men needIng assIstance: A limited resource for bursaries may be available for men who are highly suited for this work who could use some financial assistance. Please enquire if needed.
Is this a therapy group?While we deal with therapeutic issues in this program, such as relationships and personal experiences, we do not do therapy processing in this group. If you would like further time and attention for processing the emotions that may come up while in this training, we suggest doing this program in tandem with your own therapist.
What is the take-away?Based on the reported experiences of our participants, we see that the benefits of this work can be large and sustaining. These can include greater vitality and sexual confidence, empowerment in relationships, and a deeper sense of purpose.
Is the program only for heterosexual men?While some of our topics are specifically related to heterosexual connections, the program is designed for men of all orientation who want to deepen their experience of masculinity.
If I pay with instalments, can I decide to withdraw midway?"Participants can pay in one sum or instalments, and the commitment is for the full year. With either tuition plan, if you withdraw at any point after the program begins, there are no refunds and you are responsible for the fulfilment of all payments.
What happens at the Urban Adventures?The Urban Adventures are part of the training weekends. These are an opportunity to expand the Soul of Men experience with group excursions, such as a martial arts class, and social time with the other men in your training. They are an important part of the year’s experience and a big part of the organic bonding experience that develops for the men in the program.
Do I need previous experience with men’s work or tantra?No, you will get all of the background and resources you need in the program, whether you have experience in this type of personal development work or not.
Are there options for further participation after completing the year?Yes, after completing the first year of the training, there is an option to continue for a second year of advanced work. In the second year, we focus intensively on Life Purpose and Masculine Leadership.
If I cannot attend programs in London, is there an online option?"We organise our program into five weekends to make travel more accessible for men who live outside of London. If this travel is still impossible, we may offer some smaller online teaching in the future. But, because Men's Work is so much richer and vital in person, we strongly recommend that men who live outside of London consider travelling to attend our weekends in person.
Will this help me in relationship with women?YES! Based on feedback from past participants, you can expect to feel more confident, more sexual, more empowered and able to have more pleasure in your relationships with women.
Ayot is a body psychotherapist with
25 years of experience in
private practice.
He has been involved in men's work for over 20 years as
a creator and leader
of men's groups.
With insight, humour and a compassionate heart,
he is inspired to help
men connect with
their deepest natures.
I can’t recommend highly enough just how awesome and
life-changing the work really is. I have learned so much.
Soul of Men is a true gift to the masculine world in helping
to positively change so many men’s lives for the better.
To you, my gratitude and thank you's!
I feel more connected to my body, more accepting even proud at times of my sexuality. I feel more open and able to express emotions and vulnerability with men. I am more aware of my power and can see that it is
available to me if I truly want it.
Before I hardly left the house, Soul of Men unlocked my power and strength to step out. The growth is massive
and huge shifts take place.
This is a life-changing journey that every male needs to take to embody and become their true mature masculine self.
We addressed the confusion of being a man in modern times
and explored shame around our sexuality as men.
This is a safe and loving space to share and connect with men who truly care about themselves and others.